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This is in Dutch and says something like “Dear Ask a Dog, what is the meaning of life? Odie says belly rubs. I say bacon”
“Jaws” was the name of the character that James Bond was chasing when he jumped out of that airplane. Bond stole Jaws’s parachute in the air.
Ha ha, good one. Now do Muhammad.
I like to read IMDB while watching a movie so I can see what other shows I’ve seen the actors in.
David Bowie referred to his mid-80s work as his “Phil Collins years”. He was just making pop songs without much artistic value.
With a gammy leg?!?!
This is great! Now do a series of comics with a female assistant, making fun of negative female stereotypes! I am sure it will go over just as well.
no entiendo
Let’s go Brandon!
I laughed at this reply a lot more than I did at the comic.
This is in Dutch and says something like “Dear Ask a Dog, what is the meaning of life? Odie says belly rubs. I say bacon”