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Sober, he was the best president since Lincoln; drunk, he was the best in the last 75 years. May the Lord straighten out your thinking.
Which amendment is it that guarantees the right to arm bears?
Hughward Howes, burved cananas, tushing blurkies
The goblin shark must live nearly a mile below the bottom of the ocean if the 40,000 feet number is correct.
1986. Author Mark Twain was born when Comet Halley was visible and later predicted he would die when the comet returned 75 years later, He CALLED it.
The best laid plans of mice and fake legionnaires oft go astray.
Do you swim with your eyes closed? If so, do you bump into things a lot?
Lucy, just tell yourself to get over it and then charge yourself 5¢ please.
In the New Hampshire pen, prisoners make plates bearing the motto “Live Free or Die”. Ironic, No?
Sober, he was the best president since Lincoln; drunk, he was the best in the last 75 years. May the Lord straighten out your thinking.