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I Thought it was an hom-age to the speaker scene in Back to the Future…
Remindse me of an episode of the show Eureka…Sheriff Carter had to get to the bank… floating hundreds of feet in the air.
“Sharp Dressed Man”, however, in this case, a Finnish horse named Horace.
Suddenly, the ZZ Tops song comes to mind…“I don’t worry cuz my wallet’s flat”
@ Grey Forest, on the nose…You win a free mocha. Ask Dr. Toon for a 20oz. cup.
Loco weed…
What did you think all those white fluffy things are at the bottom of panel 1 are. The collective mass of sleep-spent sheep…
Melody calling: she wants her attention back
Always bring your towel, and, DON’T PANIC!
I Thought it was an hom-age to the speaker scene in Back to the Future…