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  1. about 1 hour ago on Bloom County

    Just so you know, almost everyone calls the fetus a baby. The doctors say “let’s see how your BABY is doing”, the so-called mom calls it her baby when she’s extorting money from the government. The only people who don’t call it a baby are the baby killers

  2. about 1 hour ago on Bloom County

    I am quite well, and enjoying the angst of you liberals and looking forward to 12 more years of it. After Trump, 8 years of Vance, then who knows. People are running from you Democrats faster than fleas from a freshly washed dog.

    Lies, deflection and treason is all you have now. Yeah, 41 of the top 50 cities are run by Democrats. All sh1tholes of crime, junkies, poverty and pestilence. That is the fetid cloud brought by Democrats.

  3. about 5 hours ago on Bloom County

    The liberal lies:

    It’s not slavery, it’s plantation owners choice. Their plantation, their choice.

    It’s not a holocaust, it’s a nations choice. Our Jews, Our Choice.

    It’s not spousal abuse, she’s my property. My wife, My choice.

    If you have to lie about it being a baby, you’ve lost the argument. Unless you’re going to live your words (which liberals never do) and offer sympathy to your sister, your niece, your co-worker, who is pregnant and happy about it. Telling her she’s NOT pregnant, she just has a parasite, a cancer, growing inside her. If you’ll congratulate a female in your life who’s miscarried (common term for the medical event called a spontaneous abortion) for “curing” her cancer or defeating her “parasite”.

  4. about 6 hours ago on Bloom County

    Refusing to reward the least intelligent, least ambitious, in your hedonistic ways isn’t denying you anything. You’re not entitled to a cradle to grave support system from Uncle Sugar.

    Setting up a system where responsible, intelligent, moral people can thrive and raise children IS being child friendly. Locking children into a life of dependency and slavery to the welfare system is NOT child friendly. It’s actually child abuse.

    Big whoop, you state (I’d say think, but you’re incapable of that) that MAGAts’ are ignorant, yet they’re still several levels of education and intelligence higher than a Democrat. Democrats installed a DEI hire on the Supreme Court who doesn’t even know what a woman is.

  5. about 6 hours ago on Bloom County

    Government IS a business, just a non-profit business that is supposed to provide a service to their customers. As well as being fiscally responsible with OUR money.

    Service sectors don’t produce wealth. They destroy wealth at worst, transfer it at best. Industry, making things, creates wealth.

    Businesses don’t pay taxes, their customers pay those taxes. The same people yelling about increasing the corporate/business taxes, are the very same people whining and crying about the price of things.

  6. about 6 hours ago on Bloom County

    That is why reading and comprehension are so important. Assuming you actually graduated from a school go demand a refund as they failed you spectacularly.

    I didn’t say they donated to the Bidens. I said they donated to the election fraud effort in Democrat run (read, treasonous) cities.

    Now you know why Americans hate people like you.

  7. about 10 hours ago on Bloom County

    To the least intelligent and least educated, the Democrat base, I’m sure it does.

  8. about 10 hours ago on Bloom County

    The stupid is strong in you also. Look up ZuckBucks, over $400 million in 2020 to Democrat run areas to buy the election for Joey. Zuckerberg admitted that he gladly censored truth to push the Democrat agenda and tamper with elections.

    Thanks for admitting that you hate America for free. Soros has been funding America hating organizations and politicians for years.

    I’m very happy to see all the traitors and haters of America proudly out yourselves. most of us will go to our graves despising Americans are very much OK with that. The sooner the better.

  9. about 11 hours ago on Bloom County

    LOL, so murdering children in the womb is pro-child?

  10. about 11 hours ago on Bloom County

    The stupid is strong in you. You have been well indoctrinated. But you also have it backwards. The Democrat party and its minions are the enemy of Americans.

    I’m sure you got many social credits from your Chinese Masters though.