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  1. about 8 hours ago on Bloom County

    As have several liberal propaganda outlets, with far more coming.

  2. about 8 hours ago on Bloom County

    Are you referring to those who received money from Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, Mark Elias and Reid Hoffman?

  3. about 9 hours ago on Bloom County

    No, it sounds more like you forgot the coffee and had too much “Irish” this morning. Maybe it’s time to cut back a little?

  4. about 15 hours ago on Bloom County

    This is the Elon Musk who couldn’t figure out how dates work in COBOL?

    That is the lie that the people who’ve lied to us for decades are now telling. Every time liberals get caught in a lie or criminal activities they continue to lie about it. If you choose to believe those who’ve lied to you constantly, well, that speaks volumes about your level of intelligence.

    To help you out though, this is the Elon Musk who came to this country as a LEGAL immigrant, became a citizen, and built several very successful companies, including PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX, as well as buying a censorship outlet and releasing the evidence of Democrats treason, election tampering and censorship efforts.

  5. 1 day ago on Bloom County

    My sympathies to you, as you, apparently, have nothing better to do to than sit in your lonely hovel, trolling comic comment sections constantly, looking for people to criticize to find some relevance in your life.

  6. 1 day ago on Bloom County

    Wow, genius. You start out by insinuating there’s no fraud then list a couple instances of alleged fraud (with NO facts to back them up), then insinuate that I’d approve of alleged Republican fraud.

    I DID give you instances of fraud, now do your own research, if you can. You have the information you need for a web search. Of course all you have is deflection and denial.

    Because agencies are not interconnected Seriously, did you just post this BS? All relevant state agencies have access to the Social Security “registry” where deaths are supposed to be recorded so dead people don’t get benefits. Death certificates are issued then recorded in a registry for each state. It PUBLIC records.

    As far as your 60+ court cases, they proved nothing. All were dismissed by partisan, corrupt “judges” for lack of standing, there was no trial, no verdicts, just coward judges covering for their political masters. Feel free to show where there were actual trials and people were either convicted or acquitted.

    Thank you for proving everything that is wrong with many people in this country.

  7. 3 days ago on Bloom County

    Some fun facts from the 2020 election. Some Michigan nursing homes had residents who have been afflicted with severe dementia for years, who hadn’t voted, nor been mentally fit to cast a vote, for years, that voted in the 2020 election. When family members found out about their parents who finally voted after years of not voting they were shocked.

    Again in Michigan, they have more registered voters than they have people who are eligible to vote.

    In Georgia, thousands of people who changed residences, often to other counties or even out of state, remained on the voter rolls, and some voted in both places.

    It’s all there, out in the public, IF one chooses to remove their heads from the liberal media’s rectums and get informed.

    Of course when Democrats get caught cheating it’s all “misinformation” or “clerical error” or the narrative changes from NO FRAUD to “too minor to matter” or some such

  8. 3 days ago on Bloom County

    If my observations of Democrat behavior and traits come across as “negative and mean”, the simple solution is for those being observed to change and not shift blame to those who observe.

    I suspect you call the weather forecasters “negative and mean” when you don’t like their forecasts.

    As far as “ill-informed”, well the facts will disagree with you. Real facts, not liberal “facts”

  9. 3 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    Adults, yes, if using that term loosely. They try one thing then move on when it gets too hard. Gus is running their lives there and they’re using Meg and now the new baby to try to extort Arlo and Janis to moving there. Now they want a larger house, but don’t want to give up their first home, so they’re trying to pressure Arlo and Janis into buying that.

    Which, if Janis does end up buying it will turn into a nightmare with the constant “why are you changing that in (what used to be) our house”.

  10. 3 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    Gene and MaryLou aren’t qualified to be adults, much less reproduce