
Ron Free

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  1. about 5 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    My wife and I usually do this. It is not the frugality so much as it is the lack of fighting the mass of humanity on the 14th.

  2. about 5 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Mr. Johnson, since you are in here, I wanted to tell you something. I love how you depict married life with Arlo and Janis. They are how I would like to imagine my wife and I, although we are not quite so cool. But they always make me smile. Thanks again!

  3. about 5 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Ok, time for a tale (and a true one, at that). My wife is a note-leaver. Over the years, she has written and given (or left for me to find) little love notes here and there. If she goes out of town on an overnight business trip, she will leave one under my pillow, without telling me. A few years ago, I had a job that required a lot travel, and one trip was for 3 straight weeks. She slipped an envelope in my suitcase with 21 notes (actually there were 22, because she miscounted). After I found the envelope and realized what was in it, I resisted the urge to binge-read the notes. It became the highlight of my day to get back to my hotel room after dinner and read the next note. The notes each had a little love message or something that I did that my wife had noticed or something about me that she loved and admired. I made a point to keep all the notes, and I still have them today, and always will.

  4. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Definitely a much lower level of Hell! It makes my skin crawl….

  5. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    You beat me to the punchline….

  6. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Hey, I could do that standing on my head! I like Julian Bashir!

  7. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Hey, that is most days for me…..

  8. over 5 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I am right there with you. I have made it a personal mission to remember Michael Collins. He also took one of the most notable photos in human history, which was the one of the lunar module with the earth in the background. He was the only human, alive or dead, that wasn’t in the frame of the photo.

  9. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Yeah, my Podunk paper did not make a big announcement, but they dropped Non Sequitur before last week. Look, I understand about not wanting any ‘bad words’ in the paper, but I look over the comics pretty close, especially on Sunday, and I did not notice the ‘bone of contention’.

    I will still come to Go-Comics to read Non Sequitur. It is one of the most intelligent comics available. I would consider canceling my paper, but then what would I use to put under the cats’ litter boxes?

  10. about 6 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Here is what gets me about this particular strip. It seems that, like my own wife, Janis feels that she is not attractive enough, young enough, fit enough, etc., to wear lingerie. Arlo, like myself, has a much different opinion. If only our wives could see themselves as we see them…