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GypsyWoman Free

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  1. over 10 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    And I want to Bucky in the Lacey wig ..

  2. over 10 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Of all the characters in this strip, Fungo is definetly one of my favorites. Satchell is a close second. Bucky is just such an a** but I can’t help but love him. Like Archie Bunker, except not as cuddly.

  3. almost 11 years ago on Monty

    My husband lives in a house full of women. Even the cats are girls (spayed of course). He grew up in a house full of women. He knows better than to do that. Of course why someone wouldn’t look before sitting down is beyond me.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Canal CalicosInglorius TabbiesDr. Weird Hanky PankyOnce Upon a Time in a Litterbox

  5. almost 11 years ago on Monty

    Now that made me laugh.

  6. almost 11 years ago on Monty

    Personally, I l ike the lamp the maid is carrying. Very gothic Victorian literature type stuff. Is there a crazy wife in the attic too? Hmmmmm…..

  7. about 11 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I have never, ever had an interest in visiting Paris. I’m not sure why. So many other places I’d rather visit. Paris seems..overcontrived? Tries too hard to be the city of love? Maybe I’m still mad about the French Revolution…who knows.

  8. about 11 years ago on Monty

    Absolutely. Fleshy is too cool of a cat for Monty.

  9. about 11 years ago on Monty

    I do not read this comic for Monty as he is the polar opposite of me..and he annoys the daylights out of me. However, I am a big Fleshy fan. Now that cat is cool .. and he is way too cool for Monty. And like Taz Devil said earlier in the post – respect must be earned!

  10. over 11 years ago on Monty

    Or Da Hast by Rammstein .. snake seems to hate Monty.