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Recent Comments

  1. 25 days ago on Mutt & Jeff

    These Mutt and Jeff re-runs are getting pretty repetitious. This strip has already appeared several times. How about getting some other re-runs in the mix? Thanks!

  2. 11 months ago on Red and Rover

    Rover! I want to watch LIVE TV, not saLIVEa TV!

  3. about 5 years ago on Red and Rover

    This is the kind of tone deaf gag that I would rather not read in my newspaper. You can do better.

  4. over 9 years ago on Red and Rover

    This type of gag just isn’t funny, Brian. Surely you’re capable of better jokes than scatalogical ones. When you do material like this, it makes me want to drop Red and Rover from my list.

  5. almost 10 years ago on Red and Rover

    This kind of scatology in comics is not appreciated by this reader. You and Mike Peters are talented cartoonists, but you share an unfortunate obsession with excremental functions that really lowers the tone of your humor. Try to find better gags!

  6. over 14 years ago on Annie

    Although Jay and Ted have done a pretty good job with Annie for many years now, I stopped reading the strip two years ago. The stories just didn’t pay off satisfactorily for me. The beginnings and middles were often farely suspenseful, but the endings were usually not socko. Kinda “shaggy dog” (sorry Sandy). Annie herself would often disappear from her own strip for considerable stretches. I will miss her, though. Nobody can really replace Harold Gray, if you’ve read the 1920s and 30s Little Orphan Annies, you’ve really read the best of the best.

  7. almost 17 years ago on Red and Rover

    I would love to find out why Red and Rover is reprinting strips from 2004. Is Brian Basset on a vacation?

  8. almost 17 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    What’s with those pink people and dogs in the first panel? Is that a primitive form of motion capture for comic strip artists which wasn’t drawn over?

  9. almost 17 years ago on Red and Rover

    Is Red and Rover in re-runs? Not cancelled I hope.