I have to say that this strip always seems to throw me a curve just when I think I have it figured out. I would never have imagined that the snake wouldn’t be bad.
There is one more possibility. After Cork saves Isabelle from the snake and probably just before he kills it, she intervenes and shows him her faith, possibly saving the snake (who is likely not to return to the area any time soon).
Also, I cant think of a better messenger to the rest of the swamp who can tell them all about who not to mess with than this particular snake, although once Cork’s fame gets out, it is sure to attract the attention of his father who is still looking for him.
For some reason, I see a similarity of relationships here. I suddenly felt that what has happened between Heckbender and Goatsucker is like what happened between Daring Dan and the rat. Perhaps it is the authors way of saying that love and respect are universal in nature and can affect anyone, even the most unlikely.
Does this mean that the ice cream co. is cleaning up its act? I know Dan is pretty open minded but some of the previous activities there might not set well with him, being the kind of guy he is. I does make me think that Kreelit would not be inviting Dan if things were still business as usual. Hmm, maybe they will start making ice cream that isn’t filled with dead stuff (or maybe that’s just the way ice cream is).
I have to say that this strip always seems to throw me a curve just when I think I have it figured out. I would never have imagined that the snake wouldn’t be bad.