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  1. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    Recently Luann give a list of her winter courses to Bernice. Creative writing was not on the list but Poetry was. I wonder of Mrs. Horner, despite her failing kidney, is teaching that class.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    As long as Luann remains officially a 19 year old, she has not spend 2 years at the CC.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    Jack was going to be “the one” until he wasn’t.

  4. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    Someone, a poet likely, said poetry is never “finished,” it’s only abandoned.

  5. about 7 hours ago on Luann

    Who knows why I disavow this comment. It’s insulting to women

  6. about 9 hours ago on Heart of the City

    Random filler for the rest of the week? It’s . It reminds me of a gag they did on the Phineas and Ferb show. Since the boys were young to drive a car they build an RC controller into the car so that, technically, they were not driving the car, only a remote controller.

  7. about 9 hours ago on Luann

    This is what you get when you try to write poetry on your phone. The autocorrect is forever replacing your words with something else.

  8. about 9 hours ago on Luann

    Well, we’re into another Idiot Plot because why would Luann hand a love poem about Phil to Mrs. Horner knowing that she would want to share.

  9. 1 day ago on Luann

    I’ve spent time in hospitals over the last few years. I noticed when the nurses wear and don’t wear gloves.

  10. 1 day ago on Luann

    Why is Phil wearing gloves when he’s not preparing food or giving patients a medical treatment? Nurses don’t wear gloves all the time.