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  1. almost 6 years ago on Baldo

    Aw. This makes me happy. My dad just said, “A birdie’s gonna land on that lip.” He preferred an economy of words. He was from MO and partly raised in TX. Is this a Texas thing? Southern thing?

  2. about 7 years ago on Ted Rall

    What’s the matter, Rall? This isn’t the first time you’ve minimized women’s pain. Calling assault “ass-grabbing” for example. Are you afraid of getting caught in this hashtag?

  3. over 7 years ago on The Knight Life

    This also. But no evidence of the Times running it in recent years. https://www.amazon.com/Good-Old-Days-comic-reprint/dp/1616462817

  4. over 7 years ago on Red and Rover

    Big Dog and I have this sort of conversation regularly, except it’s usually that I have forgotten to put his canned food in with the kibble because I’ve gotten distracted. I get The Stare. He is blind and when we walk if I watch the path he won’t run into anything new in the path. If I look away, something new will catch him off guard. Some subtle signal? I have always claimed he sees what I see. Not to be mystical, but so many times he has responded to thoughts I’ve had before I’ve acted on them. I must be signaling somehow: a slight shift in posture, a change in breath, a change in typing speed. I don’t know but he reacts and it blows me away.

  5. over 7 years ago on The Knight Life

    Rita. Katrina still fresh on our minds. Unfortunately, we were among the evacuees. Learned our lesson. Fortunately we were safe, but 23 hours on the road waiting for the car to die and leave us stranded (it didn’t) or the dog to die in the heat (she didn’t), or verbal or physical attack from one of the many people seemingly randomly wandering through the highway “parking lot” looking angry/disturbed, was a miserable experience. We didn’t dare shut off the engine for any reason (So, imagine the biological needs that arose) and it seemed we’d never get out of the Houston Metropolitan area. Finally did after about 19 hours and were even further blessed to be among the first to discover a tiny gas station that actually had gas. It would have taken backhoe to clean their restrooms though. Horrid. People are pigs. We would never leave like that again. I’m still processing it. This is probably the most I’ve written about it since and probably just because Harvey has been another storm to process (wherein again we have been fortunate). I’m glad you were safe during Irma and I agree; if you are not in a mandatory evacuation zone, stay. The risk on the road is to high.

  6. over 7 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    It’s true we have some scummy, hypocritical people here. As a liberal Texan among many liberals and moderates who did not vote for that bloated man-baby or any of his ilk, I’m tired of this theme of “Evil Texans who deserve to drown.” For those paying attention, they’ll have seen how close we came to changing this to a blue state in the 2016 election. They’ll see the battles we are fighting to try to save our rights for women, children, and POC. They’ll see the ongoing, and fruitful, battles against the gerrymandering. For those just wishing to give lip service to being “inclusive,” they’ll continue to just rule out another group of people as being “bad” and “other” and look just as hypocritical as the far right.

  7. about 8 years ago on Steve Breen

    Noticed you didn’t quote that correctly. Rather convenient to drop the “men” part.

  8. about 8 years ago on Dog Eat Doug

    I’m so sorry. Precious girl gave us so much through you. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  9. about 8 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    @Grainpaw Atheism is a belief system as much as any “religion”. Because it does not center around a fictional being, doesn’t make it any less so a belief system. Yes, you have the right to state your opinion. By the same token, a Christian (Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) has the right to state theirs. If that is preaching, then so be it. All, including yourself, would then be “guilty” of preaching their belief system, but all would have that right. This is not a US government forum therefore there are no restrictions in that respect.

    I’m sorry you suffered any at the hands of any other belief system. I am in flux from a faith aspect, neither Christian nor anything else but also not Atheist. Something between Agnostic and Panentheistic. In part this is because I have seen the damage religion does and in part because rationally and scientifically, “God” makes little sense to me. All that said, I have Christian loved ones that are amazing people and deserving of respect and a voice just as much as you are.

    Best to you in the coming year. I hope it brings peaceful times.

    As to the strip: meh. Not Pastis’ best. Still amusing, though.

  10. over 8 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    @Sandfan You are aware that mincemeat isn’t meat, right?