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- over 13 years ago on Jack Ohman
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
ROFLMAO, DrCanuck! I call Cantor “the Sheriff of Nottingham” (maybe it should be “Nothingham?” LOL) because fo the GOP’s “Reverse Robin Hood” financial policies; this panel fits in with that nicely :)
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
Cheney is just mad because he won’t live long enough to enjoy all the money he stole ($34 million) through Halliburton while he was VP…Note the angry tone he’s had in interviews with the media about the book; how’s the heart, DICK?
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
We all know that the details are something that the Elephants/ Teabaggers ignore; and, by the way, Elephants/Teabaggers: the blame lies with you idiots and no one else; because you don’t believe in the technicalities and details, things slip by you on a regular basis; it also doesn’t help that you’re racist, sexist, elitist, greedy, corrupt, incompetent and arrogant fools, either :( Alan Lichtman, who has the 13 points for being elected President philosophy, has already said that an incumbent President needs only six of those points and Obama has nine; Lichtman has already (and correctly) predicted that NONE of the GOP hopefuls is “electable”, and for several reasons; you Elephants/ Teabaggers need to concentrate on trying to keep your Congressional seats; but I don’t think you’ll keep many of those, either, because you keep on pissing off the people who voted for you; you’re going to need a miracle! LMAO
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
Love this! President Assad in Syria: you’re next! After that, “President” I’manutjob (Ahmedinejad) in Iran! And, for those of you who are worried about a dictator taking over, that’s not going to happen; there may be a civl war between the tribes, but, if all tribes are represented in the new government, as they are in Iraq, there shouldn’t be any problems. What I’m more worried about is if Islamic terrorists from other countries get Libya’s chemical weapons…THAT would be really bad :(
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
DrCanuck…I’ve been asking that question for months…and, with their tax breaks, big corporations were supposed to create a bunch of jobs instead of pocketing the cash (smh); the rich people were supposed to invest in America but they haven’t done that, either, which is why I’ve been calling on the Debt Reduction Super Committee to end the extremely shameful “Wealthy/Corporate Welfare Program”; it along with other Elephant (Republican) fiscal policies are a disgrace to this country, which is why I’ve also started a RECALL ALL REPUBLICANS campaign; if 150 House and 30 Senate Elephants are recalled, it would send a powerful message to the rich and big corporations that their “gravy train” is coming to an end and that they need to start doing what they were supposed to be doing with the money in the first place
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
Jase99: Turd Blossom is who, again? I’m imagining an Elephant, but I could be wrong? And, Yosemite Sam said that printing more money would be “treasonous”…I guess cannibalism is not as bad as treason? Jack, you got me stumped today, but the panel was still funny.
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
Once again, Jack Ohman encapsulates, with just one panel, a political situation, perfectly…about Perry’s “record”: having created whatever percentage of jobs in Texas that he’s created don’t really count that much because most of them were low-wage jobs…on the other hand, since the Elephants do all they can to make sure that rich people and big corporations pay little or NO taxes at all, that’s the only way to get more tax revenue (smh); so, Elephants: how about ending the spectacularly colossal failure I call the “Wealthy/Corporate Welfare Program”, better known to many as the “Bush 43 tax cuts, breaks and loopholes?” That program has already cost us nearly $4 TRILLION in a decade..that’s why we have a mounting national debt, high unemployment and the wealthy and big corporations getting richer; in fact, not only should the wealthy and big corporations be made to pay taxes, they should also be penalized an extra 10% for hoarding the cash rather than using the money for its intended purposes: invest in America (the wealthy) and hire people (big corporations); corporate CEOs have been fattening their corporate bottom lines and executive compensation packages for much too long, and that includes laying off workers to make those numbers look better; even Warren Buffett, the richest man in this country, has challenged Congress to “TAX ME” Those of us who are not Elephants know what needs to be done; let’s see if the Elephants figured it out before it’s too late…is it too late already?
over 13 years ago
on Jack Ohman
for those of you who think that Pawlenty lost because he’s not as batsh!t crazy as the rest of them…. you are correct! LOL He also isn’t greedy, incompetent, corrupt and arrogant enough to get the Elephants’ nomination bid next year; insanity and those four things I just wrote about are REQUIRED to become a good Elephant ROFLMAO Btw, for Elephants reading this: just today, a report came out that said that the Obama stimulus bill created more jobs last year ALONE than did George M (Moron) Bush did during his WHOLE 8-year administration! The Elephants have been giving big corporations tax breaks for 10 years and unemployment has risen; where are the jobs, King John Bonehead I?!?
over 13 years ago
on Ripley's Believe It or Not
Regarding the U of Oregon football uniforms part of the strip…I say “not”…I live in Portland, Oregon and see all of the Duck football games…they do actually wear the same style of uniform for multiple games…they save the new styles and weird combinations for the “Civil War” (ironic, isn’t it…to be talking about the Civil War in another part of the panel and all athletic contests between Oregon and Oregon State being called “Civil War” LOL) game and bowl games. it is true, however, that there are several thousand color “combinations” that can be used; what helps in that regard is that college/pro sports organizations allow the use of yellow or gold as a “neutral” color, as in, it can be worn by the team at home or on the road; Oregon’s official colors are green and gold; in football, the road team generally wears mostly white uniforms and the home team wears its ’dark" color; one final note: the uniform experimentation is done mostly with the football team; other teams from the U of O generally wear the same color combinations ;)
not only can they not be all stage right, they’re all not CORRECT, either…CNN has caught some criticism for airing that “debate”, but I prefer to think that CNN gave them more than enough rope in which to politically hang themselves; CNN didn’t give them a voice; they gave us a chance to see what a parade of idiots the GOP-Tea Party are! None of them are electable and every “debate” proves it