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- almost 6 years ago on Doonesbury
almost 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
As for China, they’re in for a major domestic upheaval in the next decade or so. As of 2017, there are 33.5 million(!) more men than women. Or about 1.14 males for every female. Economic and political futurists predict major infighting among these men over an ever-more shrinking girl pool.
That’s due to a culture that values boys over girls (boys take care of ageing parents, while girls marry into other families and move away from their parents).
For decades – and until recently – the Chinese government had a “1 child” policy to counter overpopulation. That resulted in the unintended consequence of parents aborting would-be girls, or even practicing female infanticide, in the hopes of having a boy. Wealthier families take advantage of gender-selection methods of contraception.
If you’ve ever wondered why almost foreign adoptions of children from China are almost always girls, now you know.
P.S. India is heading strongly in the same direction. There are only 914 females per 1000 males (and that was only in 2011). Boy-preference culture is the same as in China.
about 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
WAY MORE shootings in Florida (of course!) and Pennsylvania per capita than in California. Both states have easy access to guns and have right to carry/conceal.
All but a very few states have carry/conceal permits also, and – amazingly – 16 states have unrestricted carry/conceal laws, i.e., you don’t need a permit.
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
BRLFQ: “Better Remember, Let’s F*** Quietly”
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
I always able to see what BD saw in her: a blond bimbo who is open to male manipulation, susceptible to male domination in a relationship, immature, and naïve to the point of near total submission to male control. In other words, someone who fits with what BD thinks about women. (That woman he had an affair with on the cruise saw him for what he was when she discovered he wasn’t an officer.)
I never did see what Boopsie saw in him back then, or even now.
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
Now we know that B.D. never took off his helmet for anything…. ANY THING!!
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
Left strap drop, then left strap drop; then right strap drop, than – last – right strap drop. Did I miss something?
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
What “Seven Day War” is he talking about. The only “Seven Day War” took place during the Civil War in the U.S. – in 1862. Roland may have been there in another life (see: Hunk-Ra) but I don’t think there were scorpions in Virginia.
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
I know Boopsie’s clueless on geography, but I can’t tell if BD is being sarcastic to his wife’s response, or he really thinks it’s the next country over, near Finland. If he’s smart enough to learn Vietnamese, he’s being sarcastic; which, if Boopsie wasn’t Boopsie, she’d divorce that fool.
over 6 years ago
on Doonesbury
I agree that Trudeau should return to a daily strip.
C’mon, Garry, Alpha House folded 4 years ago! Get back to work!!!
What, no phones in 1992?