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  1. over 10 years ago on MythTickle

    This arc reminds me of early “Pogo” by Walt Kelly.

  2. over 10 years ago on Last Kiss

    Nice, John. Thanks!

  3. almost 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    This health-care act is unionizing insurance companies, forcing the poor to pay premiums they can’t afford or be penalized in taxes later. This puts insurance companies in a very very powerful position. My dental “cleaning” cost $980 of which $910 was “written off”. If I didn’t have insurance? It’d cost me $70. True story.

  4. about 11 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Refreshing, Bob. That a druggy thug who should have been counter-sued for assault and trespassing is Obama is clever (and accurate). The media only shows baby Trayvon, not massive, 200-pound nearly 6-foot thug Trayvon.

  5. about 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Yep. Once again, Lisa nails it.

  6. about 11 years ago on Bob Gorrell


  7. about 11 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Tigger is still in panicked- denial.

  8. about 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Hero? Arguable, making dealings with the mob-boss-president Putin. Hm.

  9. about 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Nice one, Lisa! I like how Trevon is using the media to beat him up.

  10. over 11 years ago on Lisa Benson

    I never understand why people who hate Lisa so much read her comic daily to comment about it in some weird denial, impotent rage thing. You have to actually GO to this comic to read it and then post on it. Her work is fantastic, and I agree with her cleverness. My only guess is the disagreeing reader wishes to be brainwashed with trivial argument. No one on Earth is like, “Way to GO, Reflex-76!” No one. Ever. No one cares what you have to say. Go make your own comic if you have such a passionate opinion. Lisa is gold.