I think I figured out what happened: The digital file got corrupted. I posted the details in a reply to the very first message of the next Monday strip:
It was a decent strip, and my conspiracy theories did not hold up. Too bad it got corrupted.
Frankie: Since you are the biggest Monty fan I thought you might want to read my long reply to the very first comment in this page. It is regarding the missing strip from yesterday.
Your browser may display it, or it may decide to download it because it is a TIFF file and web browsers frequently don’t support TIFF. Anyway, it is the missing strip except that it is missing the black channel. (For printing, instead of RGB=Red,Green,Blue channels we use CYMK=Cyan,Yellow,Magenta,Black.)
So most of the colors are there but most details and the text are missing completely. Very strange. I found it by searching for it in the Andrews McMeel search engine:
Oddly, the results thumbnails show the strip in full color but in a different layout, like the one for PBS.
Monty bought a gigantic TV, which is at the left showing a female face. I can barely figure out the dialog from the thumbnail:
I had t’camp out in line overnight, but it was worth it!
It was like a crazy deal… the best Black Friday deal ever! [Um…Yeah… crazy.]
[Is… is that a nose?] Maybe. Might be an ear.
It’s actually a lot better if you watch it from th’ back patio…
So, it was a decent strip, and our conspiracy theories did not hold up. Too bad it got corrupted.
Hmmmm… unlikely. Strips are submitted weeks in advance, sometimes even six weeks, so Thanksgiving travel would not apply. And when artists take (very deserved) days off, either they or the syndicate choose old strips to re-run.
You mean the crack in the pink awning, or the spiderweb-like cracks in the window on the right? They are all there just to suggest that it is a very run-down part of the city.
Hmmm… makes me wonder…