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  1. over 13 years ago on Prickly City

    I don’t pay much attention to the politicians—they are ALL beholden to some special interest or other. The fact is the middle class which is being gradually destroyed has always been the driving force in the economy. It’s going to be a long time before the econoomy comes back since neither part gives a shit about the folks in the middle—everything I see seems to be aimed at promoting some special agenda that has nothing to do with making it possible for average individuals to improve their economic position—everything is short term band-aids or aimed at enriching small special interests

  2. over 13 years ago on Prickly City

    I did the MT equivalent. Sold 6 acres of short grass prairie to an out of stater. no water—105 feet straight down to marginally drinkable water, tallest thing on the property was a 6 foot limestone glacial erratic. Nearest tree was two miles to the north. Wind is a thirty mile uninterrupted run from the rocky Mt front. nearest town of any size is 40 miles away. Lovely spot -100 MPH winds evey spring and fall -40F in winter. Looks great in summer and is a small pirece of cold hell 6mo’s of the year.