
Rockabore Free

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  1. 9 months ago on Luann

    This reminds me a little of The Amazing World of Gumball with the “well, yeah, anything can interact with anything.”

  2. 9 months ago on Luann

    Fantasy and Historical Fiction, but I’m in the process of writing my novel (and drafting an idea for a graphic novel with a co-writer). It’s not my actual career, but I do love writing.

  3. 9 months ago on Luann

    Yeah, as a writer… it does feel like that doesn’t it? When you’re a kid writing you’ve had less to seriously compare yourself to.

  4. 9 months ago on Luann

    Well, I guess that implies that Luann sees the writing courses as yet another dead end she won’t pursue. She really does have a knack for almost doing more than dipping her toes in.

    I still say, (Evanses, feel free to consider this suggestion cause it would put Luann in a new direction) Luann working on a kids book, children’s cartoon, or traveling puppet show, would be a good way to take all her failed attempts at finding her path and put those to use. She used to want to sing and write songs? She can write songs for kids. She wants to write? Her writing is basic enough that kids could easily vibe with it. She wants to teach? She can teach this way. She used to do puppet shows at the library with the kids? This would be a good way to bring that full circle.

    Heck, she could even get the Business-Lady Bobbsey Twins (Tiff and Bets) involved somehow. Gunther can sew the costumes (though him being written out and replaced with Knute and Crystal would be an attractive alternative. After the whole Irma and Al vs Bets then the aftermath of the roadtrip thing, he’s basically lost me as a presence in the strip. Sorry if you don’t agree, I used to be more patient with him but things changed.) Maybe Bernice will fail as a therapist and Luann can dress her up in a clown costume and have the children chase her around to keep her busy. IDK. It has potential is all I’m saying.

    All just some suggestions here. It’d be better suited for Luann than a potter or a doctor or stuff that won’t really end up going anywhere.

  5. 9 months ago on Luann

    Yeah, it sounds like this was a random aside if this isn’t to further Luann’s career prospects, but I will say it’s kind of good it didn’t. Considering she isn’t enthusiastic about being around ill or injured people I think it would be a bad idea. I’ve met and heard about enough nurses who seem to have the same sentiment so no need for Luann to jump into that particular field.

  6. 9 months ago on Luann

    I await Bernice rushing to Luann to immediately squash her aspirations to being a doctor. Honestly, that might be a wise idea though cause we could easily come to the conclusion that Luann being absentminded and accident prone would make her a danger to have in a medical profession.

  7. 9 months ago on Luann

    She can now call herself “Local celebrity Luann DeGroot”

  8. 10 months ago on Luann

    Again, these two dreary wet-drips can’t stop criticizing Luann when I see nothing making them seem any better than her at all.

  9. 10 months ago on Luann

    You mean to say that this was all a waste? Who could have ever called that outcome? Besides everyone.

    I mean, kudos for Luann for realizing this and all; but Bets and Tiff … uh, maybe you two should take a look in the mirror. They both started this arc out by wanting to force this “we’re smart and capable entrepreneurs” and made “Batubs” (still the worst name for a brand possible) as an attempt to show how talented they are… only for it to show that they can’t even dummy up a “we turned her into a success story” narrative with someone as easily led as Luann. (Sorry, Lu, but it’s true. No one stays friends with someone who squashes your confidence the way Bernice does without being at least a little easily influenced).

  10. 10 months ago on Luann

    “I see a vacant messy room,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a dog named Puddles without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, Luann DeGroot will die.”

    Oh wait, I got my future predictions crossed.

    Anyhow, I think that Luann could get better advice from Mrs. Horner cause usually the old woman sets her on the right course without making her feel like she’ll shrivel into dust and blow away in the wind if she’s unsure about her future.

    Really the way reality is in general for most people 5 years in the future is incredibly uncertain (just look at how much the pandemic changed lives) and you can change dreams and aspirations MANY times and course correct your life. I’m not saying it’s wrong to have a defined idea, in fact a plan is good, but a lot of people change their mind. One of my mentors went from cataloguing antique furniture and teaching courses to opening an art gallery and moving very far and I know for a fact she didn’t really expect to make that big change, but she’s happy.