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  1. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    man, old people are really getting it today, lol.

    it’s not like she is as old as . . . . Elvis!

  2. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    as I move into that demographic, I am prepared to take my lumps.

  3. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I see Brown. and the normal Georgia style for people eyes

  4. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    can’t be too careful – you probably look more like a catnapper than a sweet old lady. ;-)

  5. about 6 hours ago on Last Kiss

    rare form indeed!

  6. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    neither of those rhyme with “Charles” . . . . :-D

  7. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    not so sure about that. there are times that I enjoy being the bad guy and delight in my villainy.

  8. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    And, in fairness, it is a lot to ask that Wicket not be an owl.

    I hold his caddish behavior w/ Mouse and (then) Princess Mag against him more than I do his desire to hunt field creatures.

  9. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    well, it seems as a community we tend to think the very worst when it comes to anyone (character) messing with “our” cats.

    I am trying to steer away from this and remember that this strip/world leans strongly toward “high fantasy” (by my definition, not what appears to be the current or real definition).

    To me, “high fantasy” is like the Wizard of Oz, where despite scares, thrills & chills, the main characters are never truly in danger (though they may appear to be). when the story ends, the core group remains together & unharmed.

    My “low fantasy” (which is likely better described as “dark fantasy”) is more like Glen Cook’s “Black Company” series or (while it is modern crime fiction & not fantasy at all) Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole books, where the bad often thrive for much longer than the reader would like, and pretty much anyone (except the title character, so far) could be killed off in shocking fashion at the drop of a hat.

    Clearly, we are in a much safer universe here. I remain fairly confident that the World that our good boys & girls are living in does not have any real “monsters” in it.

    I suspect that Sophie’s captors will likely turn out to be foolish, misguided or ignorant. Or perhaps there will be a twist and it will turn out that they “meant well” (but executed poorly).

    But I doubt that they will turn out to be employed by the shady government research center or even Servants of Vecna and that the Big Pink House has been in Hawkins all along.

  10. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    well, you are only a human, while Beatrix is a clever cartoon kitten.

    it’s not a fair comparison. :-D