
L'Europeo Premium

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Cornered

    best one all month!

  2. 1 day ago on Working Daze

    tried out an and and an an here. seems to have worked as intended for me. Maybe not GC but your browser?

  3. 2 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Is this the right room for an argument?

  4. 2 days ago on Luann

    I’d love to see this artist’s version of Luann and Bernice.

  5. 2 days ago on Luann

    I think they just forgot the word “if” at the start. Also, the syntax makes sense then.

  6. 2 days ago on Luann

    Mark Tatulli’s Heart was great. Steenz’ style didn’t appeal to me.

  7. 2 days ago on Working Daze

    ah ok. just recently starting to follow this comic, so running gags are lost on me…

  8. 2 days ago on Working Daze

    What are the two items on the left? Maybe that will help in understanding the joke.

  9. 13 days ago on Cul de Sac

    so funny this one…

  10. 15 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    It is called Colfax, it’s in Dutch, self-published, 1000 copies or so, all sold privately. So not available. But a great memento.