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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    This is in reference to yesterday’s strip but nobody’s looking at that anymore so I’m gonna post it here. I miss the days of this strip being intelligent, rather than an extension of the democratic party, much like MSNBC. The top 1% of our nation pays over 95% of the taxes. http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/30/top-1-paid-more-in-federal-income-taxes-than-bottom-95-in-07/ So if that’s not enough, what is? What about when our Marxist president says people making 100k a year are included in the “wealthy” bracket and have to pay way more taxes than they can afford? How far does the rabbit hole go?

  2. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    I miss the days of this strip being intelligent, rather than an extension of the democratic party, much like MSNBCThe top 1% of our nation pays over 95% of the taxes.http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/30/top-1-paid-more-in-federal-income-taxes-than-bottom-95-in-07/So if that’s not enough, what is? What about when our Marxist president says people making 100k a year are included in the “wealthy” bracket and have to pay way more taxes than they can afford? How far does the rabbit hole go?