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Um, hate to break this to the cartoonist, but that is NOT a new moon. It’s a FULL moon, which means mid-cycle…
This concept is SO outdated!!! Really?! A satellite dish?
Or… you could just go to the library and borrow it…
Um. How is it she’s watching the sun set AND the sun rise at the same window?
Hate to say it, but this artist is TERRIBLE!!!
Sigh. SOMEONE’S been watching Sanctuary… :)
Awesome! :)
I’m just getting it now. I think this whole “commitment” was an allegory to the Bush administration, and now that THAT’S finally coming to an end (Bush lied, crazy girl lied, etc), so is the relationship. We can only hope…
Um, hate to break this to the cartoonist, but that is NOT a new moon. It’s a FULL moon, which means mid-cycle…