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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 year ago on Luann

    This is a borderline inappropriate story arc given that Tara is Piro’s cousin. She seems to be acting more like a jealous suitor than his cousin. I was never this interested in any cousin of mine.

  2. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Gunther is not happy unless he’s miserable and neither is his mother.

  3. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Between Stef, Kip and Tiff how many red flags can you count?

  4. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Love’em and lose’em Gunther strikes again or rather his mother does. I wonder who the next victim of this delightful mother – son team is going to be?

  5. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Gunther had it almost right, there is no right just wrong for him. He’s hopeless.

  6. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Gunthie poo isn’t looking for a girlfriend he’s looking for a mother replacement. Once he figures that out he’ll be better off. He’ll stop looking for hot chicks and start looking for frumpy dumpy girls that will stay home and cook for him and make sure he takes care of himself.

  7. about 1 year ago on Luann

    I applaud the move by the comic creators. Anyone here is free to buy or not buy. It’s called free market capitalism. The creators and publishers will be rewarded or punished by the free market. If it works, I suspect we will see more not less of this. I personally think it’s a clever idea.

  8. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Reminds me of my first road trip with my wife then girlfriend. It didn’t go as smooth as silk. The a/c conked out in the car as we passed through the hottest place in the U.S. that day which happened to be in North Platte Nebraska. It was hilarious in retrospect but not at the time.

  9. over 1 year ago on Luann

    I don’t know what’s going to happen here but I do know what would’ve happened if that was me in that situation. I would be looking for somewhere else to live.

  10. over 1 year ago on Luann

    If this isn’t a recipe for disaster, I don’t what is.