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Syfy-Mike Free

SyFy nut...

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  1. almost 13 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    what’s the bid deal?if a butt-hole wants to act like a b-h that’s his right.if i don’t like it all i have to do is change the station when he comes on.

  2. about 13 years ago on Working Daze

    just got back from vacation and checked back issues of workingdaze…man what a bummer, i know that they don’t normally do ‘sundy strips’ (anyone know why?) but you’d think they would do december the 25th and january the 1st…talk about some laze bumbs…Ed don’t have anything on them two…lol

    you know, it use to be that the comic strip had a link to send the aurthor/artist a comment…where did that go? guess that they don’t care what their reader realy think any more…hummm

  3. over 13 years ago on B.C.

    Well, maybe a 5th grader gets it because I sure don’t…????

  4. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    me too.

  5. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    got that right, humm wonder how she’d look playing vollyball?

  6. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    I think Dana should just roll over and get some sun on her back. Worry about the little stuff after she’s all nice and tanned.