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  1. over 13 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    We can’t bring the rapists background or other pending charges into court, but the victim can be discredited because of her background. We don’t have to like the woman, everything they say may be true, it doesn’t mean she wasn’t raped. What the courts are telling us is that if you don’t have a spotless character you must have asked for it or lied about it. Even if you do have a spotless character they will find a way to use exactly that against you.

  2. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Guys sticking up for his girl sounds wonderful but what world are you all living in? Its a minimum wage job, but it was the only one he could find and his only source of income. Would she be as anxious to risk her job for him? We all put up with more than we’ld like to keep a job and and pay the bills. I can see her expressing how angry she is with the boss’ behavior and asking him to please keep looking for something else, but let yourself get fired?

  3. over 13 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    @Tigger I laugh every time I hear that lately because you are not proving a point. In one breath you will blame a republican congress and not a democratic presiden and then you will slam a democrat for blaming a republican president but not the democrat congress. You can’t have it both ways either. Problem is most folks flapping their lips haven’t a clue beyond what their party has drilled into their heads. They don’t even know why that’s supposed to be true or how its supposed to work, but it must be right because their party says so. We will tear our selves apart unless folks wake up look at the situation think logically and actually do enough research to determine the effects and side effects of every choice.

  4. over 13 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    Except for infrastructure construction jobs, most of the new jobs are for small companies and require little to no experience. In other words, minimum wage. If we want jobs in this country we have to plug the loop holes and make it financially uncomfortable for corporations to outsource their workforces. I’d rather they tightened their belts and laid off a few – loosing a few jobs is better than loosing all of them. Along with the newely boosted unemployment line, our country also looses all of the tax revenue from that corp. Its a double bang. Bring the damned jobs home.

  5. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Women, haven’t you ever met a guy that you really liked, but there was just no romance there no matter how hard you tried? An odd thing happens, you begin to look at them not just as a friend but as family. You begin to protect them and worry about them in an odd big sister/mother kind of way. You see all their faults but you see a wonderful side of them that most others don’t. I know that is what Luann meant. I’ve had it happen to me.

  6. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    If I remember the discussion correctly it was the Democrats that want to let those tax cuts expire but were pressured from the right into not going it.

  7. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    Most folks have the misconception that the jobs are overseas because the product is made more cheaply. I can verify that is not the primary reason. As a matter of fact quality issues normally drive up the cost of production. The reason the product is made in third world countries is that our laws allow the corporations who take revenue in other countries to pay their taxes there under that countries tax laws. None of it comes back to the US. That’s why companies like GE can pay no US taxes. The rest are right behind looking for the rest of the tax law loopholes.