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Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Farcus

    Brilliant! Easy to see, fun, evocative of tasty meals or summer at the beach. I’m sure it would be a big seller. The card part could be imprinted with the rest of the lobster with a giant claw sticking out.

  2. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    The “bear” near the book store is a blue US Mail drop box. The white truck has a red stripe and is a US Mail truck. The bubble in the top center at the top of the hill is “another historical cemetery”.

  3. almost 9 years ago on The Worried Well

    pieces of a person reassembling in the urn. An arm has escaped. A fully assembled person running away perpendicular to or running toward a bear. dem bones, dem bones gonna rise again . . .

  4. over 9 years ago on Frazz

    But leaf blowers are wonderful for quickly clearing modest amounts of snow off your sidewalks, driveway and if you are careful, from your car.

  5. over 9 years ago on Frazz

    Unfortunately the word “janitor” has become a derogatory word, even though the dictionary meaning “is a person employed as a caretaker of a building; a custodian.” Frazz is the building custodian, which has a more socially acceptable connotation.

    Ewal Doh hit the nail on the head. We as a nation have millions of children who have been told a great lie. Get a college degree and you’ll live the good life. Unfortunately, most of them come out of college without any marketable skills and thousands in debt. We need plumbers, electricians, camera operators and yes, custodians. All honorable positions, and in many places quite well paid, just without the cachet of some other professions.

  6. almost 10 years ago on Chuckle Bros

    This afternoon I was 90% backed out of a parking spot when a woman pushing a grocery cart walked directly behind my moving car. When I said to her that walking behind a moving car was a bad idea she retorted, “I wasn’t paying attention.” as if that was a good reason. I nominate her headstone for a future strip.

  7. over 10 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Of course! But it’s not OCD, it is ease of use and maintenance. The towels & sheets are folded the same way and stacked folded edge out so they are easy to grab. The clean dishes and silverware are rotated. The butter or margarine is cut tidily so it doesn’t look unappetizing. If the eggs in the carton are balanced the carton is less likely to fall over. And, absolutely! the money is smoothed and stacked all facing with the top of the presidents’ heads toward the right. It actually is easier to count them if the bills are tidy.

  8. over 11 years ago on Overboard

    Dog seat belt harnesses are readily available. They can be used with belts in the back seat or with a secured car seat that you clip the harness to. Not the skinny walking harness, but a special car harnesses with a wide, padded front panel. Snoozerpetproducts.com makes several nice and safe car seats for small dogs. No flying dogs.

  9. almost 12 years ago on Ben

    The new push mowers are not the tool of yesteryear. I have bluegrass and weeds. I bought a push mower and was greatly disappointed. Even the bluegrass mostly just gets bent over, not cut, by the modern push mower. If you have tough grass like St. Augustine a modern push mower is merely a decorative lawn accessory. A leaf blower is dandy though for removing a shallow snow fall from sidewalks and driveways! It will even blast snow prints off the walks.

  10. almost 12 years ago on Ben

    Funny strip! You’d be surprised at how effective cheering, treats, a gold star chart can be. They are all part of the book “Toilet Training in Less Than a Day” by Nathan Azrin Yes, it really works. Painless for everyone.