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Nice Michael, great strip! Thanks.
Go Michael R — nice, agreeable idea we can all support. Thanks.
Thanks Michael R, good point — something we can all agree to.
Same problem when my Chihuahua asks me: “Do these ears make my head look small?”
Love it!!
It’s ok for other civilized country to have healthcare, but it’s unconstitutional for the USA to have healthcare?
All that this means is that the rich 1% do not want to help pay for the healthcare costs of the poorer 99%.
You know that most other civilized countries have healthcare. But here, in the USA, the top 1% refuses to allow the 99% a decent life:
Like any good art, there is sufficient room for interpretation.
Danae is your standard narcissist.
Each side will see the other as the problem.
Michael, I am very disappointed in you. You are acting like Rush, extolling the opposite of the truth. Have you run out of exaggeration and all that is left are falsehoods? You’re kind of desperate.
Keep pulling the curtain back, nice job Tony.
Nice Michael, great strip! Thanks.