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SteveInRaleigh Free

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  1. over 12 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    First, Romney long ago released his 2010 tax return, it is easily available on the Internet and he paid tax—millions of dollars. It is amusing yet frustrating to see news media mention that he released that return—and in the same article, repeat Harry Reid’s assertion that Romney paid no tax in the last ten years—a blatant lie essentially refuted in the articles about the subject, yet that is never pointed out. Amazing…

  2. over 12 years ago on Cleats


  3. over 12 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    “Not to scale.”

  4. over 12 years ago on Fat Cats

    webpage: “Leo and Bobcat, to purr-ennially pretentious brothers”? Two!

  5. over 13 years ago on Henry Payne

    If you read any of Obama’s radical Marxist university papers, you would understand why so many of us know he is not at all about preserving this nation, but converting it to a Socialist/Communist model that has never, ever worked. Oh, that’s right, he has spent millions to be sure you never see those papers, Freedom of Information notwithstanding. OK, just count the number of avowed Marxists and Communists he has appointed as Czars and other policy positions in his administration. Are you getting a clue yet?I suspect you respect John Kerry’s intellect—but doubt you remember that when he finally released his military records after the election, he scored lower in IQ tests than President Bush. Do not equate speaking skills with intelligence…

  6. over 13 years ago on Henry Payne

    “W” graduated from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975—if you really think those schools would grant a degree without completing the requirements, you have deeply and wrongly insulted those fine schools and all their graduates.