
adenbaker Free

I love comics!

Recent Comments

  1. over 12 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    what about it being star wars day?

  2. over 12 years ago on Lio

    he’d make a good general! haha!

  3. over 12 years ago on Lio

    What happened to Lio’s mother, anyways?

  4. over 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    knowing Calvin, that probably IS what really happened!

  5. over 12 years ago on FoxTrot

    smart man

  6. almost 13 years ago on FoxTrot

    good work, this one did bring tears to my eyes…

  7. almost 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    oh calvin…better hope Hobbes doesn’t start getting ideas!

  8. almost 13 years ago on Lio

    halloween has come and gone…waiting for another dawninto storage decorations go,it’s been ended but even so,scarecrows still smile and pumpkins do glow,remembering the feel of Halloween…-Aden Baker

  9. almost 13 years ago on Lio

    Lio made some new friends! party time! I wonder what the party snacks are…?

  10. almost 13 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    haha! Who all’s excited for Halloween? I know I am! Looking forward to a whole night of candy! AWWW YEAH!!! Leon Kennedy from RE4, will be me on Saturday night!