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Samueltx Free

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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    I was working, and someone poked their head over a cubicle and announced a plane had hit one of the towers. I thought man, must have been bad weather or pilot problem. Then another head popped up and said a second plane had hit the second tower. I thought not a coincedence, all these TV’s got pulled from their hiding places. I went to a different floor with big TV’s and watched the day unfold. I was in shock when the towers fell. Next to me a coworker from Africa, a big guy, started crying. He was unashamed. He told me the next day he cried in front of his daughters knowing the world had just changed. I could not tell anyone that I cried that night. But I cried out of anger. Thanks to all the men and women who serve this country.