
Lizard Lass Premium

Married Texan Austinite, been into comics of almost every stripe for years. If you want to be bored, ask me about my Legion of Super-Heroes collection!

Comics I Follow

Super-Fun-Pak Comix

Super-Fun-Pak Comix

By Ruben Bolling
The Adventures of Business Cat

The Adventures of Business Cat

By Tom Fonder
Ink Pen

Ink Pen

By Phil Dunlap
Herb and Jamaal

Herb and Jamaal

By Stephen Bentley
Gasoline Alley

Gasoline Alley

By Jim Scancarelli
Edge City

Edge City

By Terry and Patty LaBan
The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day

The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day

By John "Scully" Scully
Cheer Up, Emo Kid

Cheer Up, Emo Kid

By Enzo Comics
Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit

By Tim Rickard
Cattitude — Doggonit

Cattitude — Doggonit

By Anthony Smith
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

By Zach Weinersmith
Cathy Classics

Cathy Classics

By Cathy Guisewite


By Garry Trudeau
Breaking Cat News

Breaking Cat News

By Georgia Dunn
Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart
Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Basic Instructions

Basic Instructions

By Scott Meyer
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
One Big Happy

One Big Happy

By Rick Detorie


By Charles Schulz
Phoebe and Her Unicorn

Phoebe and Her Unicorn

By Dana Simpson
Kliban's Cats

Kliban's Cats

By B. Kliban


By B. Kliban
Medium Large

Medium Large

By Francesco Marciuliano
Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans


By Jim Davis
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston


By Rob Harrell
Andy Capp

Andy Capp

By Reg Smythe
Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson


By Mastroianni and Hart


By Hector D. CantĂş and Carlos Castellanos
Ballard Street

Ballard Street

By Jerry Van Amerongen
Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

By Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger


By Bill Amend


By Jef Mallett
Fred Basset

Fred Basset

By Alex Graham
Gil Thorp

Gil Thorp

By Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill


By Peter Gallagher
Origins of the Sunday Comics

Origins of the Sunday Comics

By Peter Maresca
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
Tom the Dancing Bug

Tom the Dancing Bug

By Ruben Bolling
Dinosaur Comics

Dinosaur Comics

By Ryan North
Now Recharging

Now Recharging

By Maiji/Mary Huang

Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Frazz

    Same here; I was sort of startled out of the comic just by that acronym appearing first, without an explanation.

  2. almost 6 years ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    Why do I find this so darkly funny… I think something must be wrong with me.

  3. almost 6 years ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    The sad thing is that some people seem to aspire to this philosophy…

  4. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m not even sure I can articulate how adorable this is. The vacuum… is a mother! Pucky is just so sweet. What a great way to start my morning, as always. :D

  5. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My cat Jeremy has developed a deep need to get involved when my 3DS is out. I think the sound of it opening actually summons him somehow. If I’m playing a game or reading on my Kindle, he needs petting NYOW.

  6. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    A bit late to the discussion, but we’ve had two rescue Siamese. One was a remarkably mellow gentleman who would let anyone do anything to him, and who first greeted me on meeting with a lick. The other was a picky queen who ruled the household with a dominating “Myaaah!” Naturally, we adored them both. :)

    One thing about Siamese that I’ve noticed in general is that they seem to be more likely to fix their attentions and affections on one or two people, being a bit colder to others.

  7. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    “Playing the cello”

  8. about 7 years ago on Frazz

    Wait, Caulfield was left outside while his parents partied? No wonder he’s such a single-minded young man, if he has to care for himself that early. XD

  9. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of my favorite moments! Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and have a nice day anyhow if none of the previous apply!

  10. about 7 years ago on Frazz

    Wait, I get to be the smug one who already knew about the Theseus’ ship paradox (which, as has been pointed out, doesn’t apply.) Hot dog! Merry Christmas to me! :D