No bio available
He can be a drone carrier for Amazon!
New companion for George!
Siamese twin snowmen. That’s a first. Calvin would be impressed!
Just get out and walk.
Fortunately, Satchel as yet to experience the Independence Day Idol of Fireworks in his sleep!
Biden chose Harris, who couldn’t get a glimpse of support when she was a presidential candidate, as his running mate to get his chance to be elected. When Biden said “Nope,” everyone else said “Nope” to her as well.
Pre-existing in this context meant Him.
Is there a Delorean involved here and a kid on a skateboard?
Silver bullets are a myth spread by the Undertakers Union to collect more money on the side.
This is more so in college football instead of professional football. In professional football it depends on the day of the week.
He can be a drone carrier for Amazon!