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  1. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    maybe if our young skulls full of mush were not getting evolution pounded into their craniums, and could concentrate on how systems actually operate and can be used for our benefit, and quit trying to justify a philosophy that is far from science, as evolution as regarding origins of life is neither testable or falsifiable, maybe our students would fare better in the workplace and in college environments

  2. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I find it curious that despite the “fact” that carbon 14 dating is useful only on organic items thousands of years in age, with a useful limit of about 50-55 thousand yrs, and Wiley has brilliantly made Danae closer at 67 years in her age estimate than the 300 million years for booger head boy she is so fond of. Oops Mr. Old earth, me thinks your fossil is no dino bone if you are dating with C14, but dont let the facts get in your way

  3. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Maybe the facts that living things always come from living things, and useful specific information always is the result of an intelligent cause have been overlooked by the enthusiastic darwinian commenters of these bits of humor?