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MeliM Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on U.S. Acres

    To my large what?!?!Barn?Wife?

  2. over 12 years ago on U.S. Acres

    but he’s so sincere :-)

  3. over 12 years ago on Lio

    we came, we saw, we brought back souvenirs

  4. almost 13 years ago on Pickles

    Don’t look now but Rosco is going to eat all the doggy treats while you’re on your mini vaca

  5. almost 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    From the look on his face, i’d say hobbs was getting a belly rub or smooches :-D

  6. almost 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Well not all girls play calmly inside. There are a number of pix of me in the mud as a tot. it was cheap fun since we did not have a lot

  7. almost 13 years ago on Pickles

    LOL. My grandparents have been screening calls ever since i can remember. The machine picks up and you go something like “Hello? This is your only grandaughter. Are ya’ll home?” Then they might pick up.

  8. about 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    i love how in th first frame he studies the landscape as a painter studies a canvis. :-D

  9. about 13 years ago on Pickles

    Time for some deep sofa fishing

  10. about 13 years ago on Pickles

    there is a how to fold fitted sheets video on youtube. here is the link: http://youtu.be/YHTyH2nuFAw