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  1. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    velda is doing this so the inner circle wont suspect velda and jack are involved in this . if the butcher is killed by walt that would be the best outcome for them

  2. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    i think she is the butcher they are looking for

  3. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    the lawyer pig is the butcher isnt she ?

  4. over 6 years ago on Darrin Bell

    s.o.s may be related to that video i saw with her smiling when trump was looking at her and then looking depressed when he wasnt

  5. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    unless he was kicked out of endtown the butcher could be the mutant who tried to eat holly back then

  6. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    i dont understand what you mean by someone like the one velda describes exists only for the demand …..you think he woulnd tbe a murderer if someone didnt want to eat the meat of those he kills ?why are you so sure the cannibals will start doing it themselves if they no longer have someone else do it

    they are doing this for a craving not because they need to

  7. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    probably when mallard saved Al from the machine he said " you are still here " that could mean the machine either kills or leaves the target braindead

  8. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    she wasnt as lucky as AL was

  9. about 7 years ago on Endtown

    this was probably planned by them

  10. about 7 years ago on Endtown

    going to meet cooper after what happened last time ,crap….is that a dead flag ?