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  1. 6 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    everyone has forgotten what Gus said right at start. It (the property) is ONLY 30 minutes from EVERYTHING. That’s no distance AT ALL. You could live next door to the hospital or grocery store and still have to wait in line to be taken care of (not to mention the noise of being so close to a hospital or grocery store LOL (traffic, other shoppers… TOURISTS)

  2. 6 months ago on Doonesbury

    not only THAT but his Sunday (until he REaLLY retires with his wife, Jane Pauley) comics are usually current threads or current politikal

  3. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Sunak conceded. he did keep his seat though apparently. But a LOT of Torys are out on their hind ends. Nigel Farage’s party won more than 4m votes and came second in 103 seats, of which 93 were won by Labour. Nigel Farage is a nasty piece of work.

    But it’s nice to see British people are fed up with conservatives after they’ve ruined their country for at LEAST the last 14 years (or more, as my English husband said it began to go pear shaped with Thatcher )

    If people HERE rose up in protest of how our own conservatives are determined to ruin what we HAVE it would be amazing and miraculous. I ain’t holding my breath. too much BS to plow through and apathy…

    if they wake up it might be a bit too late as it was for a lot of people in Germany in 1933…..
  4. 8 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    that’s an insult to alley cats….

  5. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    I saw the “teaser” and decided it was biased and one sided. I didn’t watch it and went to my Roku stick and watched britbox instead of the people of UK celebrating voting out the Tories (Conservatives that make our Rethuglicans look like amateaurs ) and voting IN an MP from LABOUR.

    first time in 14 years and a couple hundred years making historical presicident. if the people did that HERE the country would crack at all the fault lines… they got tired of the rich conservatives screwing their whole country and people over and VOTED them OUT. and not even everyone voted!I noticed polling stations were EVERYWHERE, opening at 7 a.m. and closing at 10 p.m.

    if we did that can you imagine??? polling stations at schools, pubs, community halls…

  6. 9 months ago on Bill Bramhall

    that’s 3 or maybe 4 states out of the rest of the 46…it should be a Federal decision to lock in fair minimum wages for the blue collar jobs. Even Wally Phart pays more an hour now than servers get…of course this is a service industry dominated country now which is distubing considering everything going on. I won’t elaborate, I’m not in the mood for an argument….

  7. 9 months ago on Bill Bramhall

    I’m waiting for SOMEONE to just give servers in restaurants MINIMUM wage instead of Federal wages of $2.58 an hour as of NOW, 2024 in USA as the base pay but they “think” it equates to $8.15 which I know better. ask your next waiter or waitress/server at a sit down restaurant and be shocked (no mention of their tips…which isn’t an issue in other countries and I’m not opening that can of worms either)

  8. 9 months ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    won’t know until it happens and suspect that I will be on to another journey or just finished here at that moment on this planet. I AM 72 after all. In the last quarter of my life as it is or not.

  9. 9 months ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    Mother always has a harsher plan…reboot and rebuild. Cul the herd and the next inhabitants will adapt to her skin in whatever way they are able to survive and evolve. Look at what fossil fuel IS and what it’s really made up of…

  10. 9 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    and my English husband shares the same sentiments that I do regarding things like flags. it’s just a piece of cloth for pity’s sake. nothing holy or sacred. I only dislike when people use a former symbol of hatred in ignorance. To celebrate things like D-Day is to honour the people who died defending what they believed in which was freedom. And because war is so horrific, that they honour these people who are now in their 90’s and even early 100’s at the celebrationi and honouring, was very humbling.

    My husband more grieves over the "war to end all war’s which was for him (and even us) as the 1st WW. England suffered horrifically but it woke up the people for just blindly being signed up for something that was basically a slaughter. it changed the whole outlook of the English people which is something over here that American’s won’t get.

    As a 72 year old woman who thought I was educated, I quickly discovered I was selectively educated in my Southern school in the 50’sand up to the early 70’s. (71’ ) Vietnam was as much a travesty as Korea…We had serious shite going on with WWII, and I never take that for granted ever.

    Humans will never get along completely. it’s just the nature of a lot of the inhabitants of this planet. But MOM is rebooting and it will be an interesting place and planet long after we’ve wiped ourselves off her surface or she does the job for us

    be safe and well.