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  1. over 13 years ago on Luann

    My biggest problem with this arc is simple: Why wasn’t Brad eligible for some form of unemployment when he was laid off the fire dept. In short, he didn’t NEED this job.

    The Eiffel character was just unrealistic… expecting him to commit to a fast food joint with the same level of enthusiasm as he did with the fire dept. I find that to be either very unrealistic or she is an absolute control freak… And perhaps why she is working in a fast food joint.

    Oh, and Brad better grow some stones and open his eyes or life is going to steam roll him… he is so damned dense.

  2. over 13 years ago on Prickly City

    It’s technically called the “Political Continuum”.

    View politics as a clock, and you will see where the far right ends at 6:29 and the far left at 6:31. For all intents and purposes, they are the same, just got there from a different dogma.

    Think of it this way: Joe Biden and President Obama are about 10:00, to the left of noon, which is standard for the Democrats in the US. The tea party is about 3:00 and more mainstream GOP runs about 2:00. Ted Kennedy would be about 10:00, and most of California politicians, especially in San Francisco, run about 9:00.

    The reason for the skew is that America is inherently more conservative than most other nations, short of the Islamic countries, which hover more like 5:00, well to the right. In fact, our 3:00 people look downright liberal to them.

    Socialist Europe is an interesting one, but I put them about 9:00. I suspect that modern Russia is actually over to about 1:00 now, which is a bit frightening, when you think about it.

    China is at 7:30 on social issues and such (When Mao was in charge, they were at 6:31, no question), but are conflicted by capitalism, so economically, they are sitting at about 1:00. At the same time, China can be draconian in their actions, leaning very far right at times. Figure that mess out and you win the Nobel Prize. I sure haven’t come to terms with it yet.

    Stalin was so far left, he was at 6:31, whereas Hitler and Mussolini, both fascists, were at 6:29. Again, the same but with different ways of getting there. But the dogmas, being so deeply entrenched and diametrically opposed created a problem and that was expressed nicely by Operation Barbarossa… 40 million people later…

    I am all on board with Extreme Centrism! Love it. So damned clever, Scott!