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dhkaylor Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 8 days ago on ViewsEurope

    It seems like you’re not wrong!

  2. 8 days ago on Luann

    I enjoy Shannon the way she is! She’s smart, spunky and honest. She just needs some channeling.

  3. about 2 months ago on The Buckets

    We all like to think we are right, whatever our position. History will show.

  4. 3 months ago on ViewsAmerica

    Another thing about anti-vaxxers risking the health of vulnerable people, they are also ma,I git more likely that serious illness like diphtheria will make a comeback due to the pool of unvaccinated people in which it can mutate, thus creating a catastrophe in which every vaccinated person will find their vaccinations inadequate. This would create a world health catastrophe.

  5. 7 months ago on Nick Anderson

    I looked it up. 22 nations make voting mandatory

  6. 7 months ago on Nick Anderson

    Many countries make voting day a legal holiday and all citizens are required to vote. >

  7. 7 months ago on Nick Anderson

    These children are the ones who will make up the majority of the American population of the future. Do we want Americans to be the dumbest and most backward of people in the world?

  8. 9 months ago on Nick Anderson

    Is this supposed to be Ted Cruz? That’s all I want to know.

  9. 9 months ago on PreTeena

    I believe that women who don’t like each other don’t do it

  10. 11 months ago on Clay Bennett

    They want less government, right? But not (as you said), when it comes to the individual.