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  1. over 13 years ago on Baldo

    So Hispanic women are to be celebrated for their passion, beauty, and… boobs? I get the joke, and it’s kind of funny, but come on, Navarro. I’m pretty sure I can find the picture you traced this from, and it sure as heck isn’t a photo of Sonia Sotomayor. It’s bad enough that too many of us Latin American men see women as objects, this comic all but tells the rest of the USA that, yep, our latin ladies are just a bunch of parts made for pleasing men. Is this what Sergio wants Graciela to aspire to? When people think of HIspanic Heritage, I want them to learn about our accomplishments, not our chauvinism. I will be cutting out this comic from my Sunday paper so that my sons and daughter don’t have to see it. They deserve a nobler heritage than this.