
Davis D Danizier (3D) Free

Be wise. Care for others. Love your neighbor as yourself. The mysteries of the universe are not beyond your grasp. Website 1:  Website 2: 

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Prickly City

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La Cucaracha

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For Heaven's Sake

For Heaven's Sake

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Mike Luckovich

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Clay Jones

Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

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Lisa Benson

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Jeff Danziger

Jeff Danziger

Scott Stantis

Scott Stantis



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9 to 5

9 to 5

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The Other Coast

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Calvin and Hobbes

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9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

By Brooke McEldowney


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The Flying McCoys

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Strange Brew

By John Deering
The Argyle Sweater

The Argyle Sweater

By Scott Hilburn


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By Jef Mallett
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

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Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

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Close to Home

Close to Home

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In the Bleachers

In the Bleachers

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Aunty Acid

Aunty Acid

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Real Life Adventures

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Grand Avenue

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Stone Soup

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The Duplex

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Frank and Ernest

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The Born Loser

The Born Loser

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Nest Heads

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The Meaning of Lila

The Meaning of Lila

By John Forgetta and L.A. Rose
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis


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Big Nate

By Lincoln Peirce


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The Fusco Brothers

The Fusco Brothers

By J.C. Duffy
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Home and Away

By Steve Sicula
One Big Happy

One Big Happy

By Rick Detorie


By Chip Dunham


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Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!


By Harry Bliss
Bound and Gagged

Bound and Gagged

By Dana Summers
Broom Hilda

Broom Hilda

By Russell Myers

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    January 20? God is sending a PLAGUE?

  2. 2 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    There is no evidence whatsoever — none — of god helping the Pilgrims. On the other hand, as they believe they were following him, he dumped them on a rocky New England shore just as the harsh New England winter was getting ready to set in, and just left them to die.

    It was the Wampanoag who saved them, not god.

    To try to redirect the credit from the actual people who saved them, to an invisible sky wizard whose existence is purely a speculative guess invented by primitive bronze age fishermen and sheepherders trying to explain a complex universe that was beyond their pre-scientific ability to understand.

    To try to redirect the credit from the actual indigenous people who saved them is to deny them credit, to minimize their contribution, and continue the great Western tradition of cultural genocide — treating them as the primitive savages that they definitely were not.

  3. 2 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    After the Pilgrims had survived one year, thanks solely to the Indigenous First Americans, the Pilgrims decided to hold a feast of Thanksgiving, to thank their impotent, invisible sky wizard who did nothing to help them, instead of the Wampanoag who had actually saved them. They did not intend to invite the Indigenous Americans who had saved their sorry rear ends.

    Wampanoag tribe members saw them out hunting with their pathetic lack of skills, and invited themselves to the feast. Shocked at how little the Pilgrims had, the Wampanoag brought a bounteous feast of waterfowl, venison, ham, lobster, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, squash and unspecified fowl (no specific mention of turkey), as described in accounts from Pilgrims Edward Winslow and William Bradford, signatories of the Mayflower Compact.

    Within a few short decades, the Pilgrims and other English settlers that followed, would betray them with the first rounds of genocide and death by illnesses unknown in the Americas that the Indigenous Americans had no defenses for.

    Many surviving Wampanoag descendants today remember Thanksgiving the way the Jews remember the Holocaust. The Patuxet band of Wampanoag, including Tisquantum (better known by the diminutive “Squanto”), who acted as liaison and interpreter between the indigenous people and the invaders, had been entirely eradicated within a few years of the Pilgrims’ arrival, though descendants of other Wampanoag villages remain.

    Indigenous Americans standing on shore watching the first European ships arriving must have had an ominous sense of foreboding. They should have built the darn wall!

  4. 2 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Regarding that first Thanksgiving, the Indigenous Americans provided for the Pilgrims, not the other way around. And it certainly wasn’t their dear “God” in whom they placed their misguided trust.

    The Pilgrims were a bunch of incompetent religious nerds, trying to go to Virginia, got lost and ended up in Massachusetts in November of 1620, just as the frigid New England winter was setting in. These incompetents had no idea how to survive and would have all died out if the Wampanoag Tribe had not helped them build shelters and showed them how to find local foods.

    It was the Wampanoag Tribe that saved their sorry rear ends, not god.

    If it had been left to god, there would have been nothing left of the Pilgrims but frozen carcasses.

    So the Pilgrims thanked their imaginary, invisible, but very angry sky wizard, and “thanked” the Wampanoag by soon murdering them in genocidal slaughter.

  5. 3 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Yes, “one party is driving us into Sodom and Gomora a lot quicker than the other”

    According to Ezekiel 16:48-50, the sin of Sodom was pride, idleness, being haughty and refusing to help the poor and needy. No mention of homosexuality.

    Genesis 19:4-11 does suggest that the men of Sodom sought to “know” (KJV) the male visitors in the Biblical sense, and in the NIV says “have sex with them,” but it does not say that this is why they were destroyed.

    The Trumpublican Party, led by a prideful and haughty man who…

    Has been married three times, cheated openly on all three wives, and father at least five children (that we know of) with three different women (that we know of) and paid hush money to a porn star and Playboy nude model.

    Was adjudicated liable in a court of law of sexual assault, with more than 20 additional cases pending.

    Has been convicted of 34 felonies so far, with many more still pending.

    Has been found liable for business fraud.

    Has been found liable for running a fraudulent “university.”

    Has been found liable for running a fraudulent children’s charity.


    The Democratic Party

    No Democrat (including Kennedy, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden or Harris) has ever been married more than once.

    The Democratic Party stands for helping the poor and needy. Republicans, the party of Sodom, not so much.

  6. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    No, the first three commandments are all about self-glorification. “Theologically speaking” they may have reasons for WHY they believe their god is so insecure that he can’t stand a bit of competition or demands constant praise from sycophants, but it doesn’t change the fact of what those commandments say.

    In the meantime, “theologically speaking,” @dot-the-i simply overlooks the main point: that truly evil crimes against humanity were omitted while these ridiculous self-patronizing took their places, again, with a few basic law-and-order standards copied from the Hammurabi Code.

  7. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    The Ten Commandments.

    God could have gone with…

    “Thou shalt not rape”

    “Thou shalt not kidnap”

    “Thou shalt not claim the right to own other human beings as chattel property.”

    But nope. He went with three commandments that glorify himself, threw in a few basic law and order standards that were copied from the earlier Hammurabi Code, along with “thou shalt not covet.” Thou shalt not covet? That is the whole basis of the modern American economy — admen trying to get people to covet things they don’t have and talk them into buying tons of overpriced junk they don’t need.

  8. 6 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    You: “I returned to my faith … Because of reason.”

    Sorry, not buying it. Your only “reason” was that you accept as a priori fact that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God and, based on that self-validating source, “reason” then becomes to accept the Bible because the Bible says so (though actually it doesn’t — even when Paul says that “all scripture is God-breathed [2 Timothy 3:16], he is referring to the scripture that already exists in his day — the Old Testament).

    You have already admitted that you filter out any objective evidence that does not pass through the “filter” of your pre-determined conclusions.

    Even you realize how absurd this is. You would not accept a Muslim arguing that the Qur’an is the Word of God because it says so, and only accepting as “evidence” supporting materials from the Qur’an itself or the Hadiths or other Islamic texts.

  9. 6 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    When you refuse to accept any actual, objective, neutral evidence that has not been filtered through the prism of your pre-determined conclusion, you acknowledge a complete lack of objective or ration consideration and disqualify yourself from any serious analysis.

    You are an intellectual and moral COWARD. You have never actually tested your “faith” — you have never actually challenged your assumptions with objective, external EVIDENCE — which you filter out through your prism of pre-determined conclusions. And in so doing, you acknowledge a complete lack of objective or rational consideration.

    By consciously rejecting anything that does not just reaffirm your predetermined conclusions, you disqualify yourself from being taken seriously in any rational exchange.

    You refuse to test — to really challenge — your beliefs with real, actual, objective fact-based EVIDENCE from the real world, because YOU ARE AFRAID. You know your faith — the legacy of primitive sheep herders and fishermen who didn’t know where they sun went at night — can not stand up to any objective, factual challenge.

    It is YOU whose house is built on the sands of superstition and primitive mythology.

    It is YOU whose theological assertions do not carry the slightest shred of fact-tested credibility.

  10. 6 months ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Jesus did not choose Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul lied. He made up a whopper.

    Paul was a long-time persecutor of the followers of Jesus and then found a way to infiltrate and undermine from within.

    And, considering how completely opposite today’s conservative “Christians” are from the teachings attributed to Jesus, it appears he was actually quite successful.

    You are not a follower of the teachings of Jesus.

    You are a follower of the apostate, Paul.

    You are not qualified to analyze religious questions, because you just blindly accept what you were born into, and refuse to seriously question or to consider any evidence that contradicts your a priori assumptions.

    In contrast, I started out from the same place as you, including fully devout, but when credible evidence contradicted my beliefs, I struggled through the very difficult process of self-examination and re-evaluation.

    “Free or not?” For you, the answer is “NOT!” It always amazes me how conservatives are so eager to talk about “freedom” while trying to control and micromanage every aspects of everyone else’s private lives.