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We are still “evolutionizing” aren’t we? Gary
After my 73 years of life here, you have succinctly explained my journey to me……….THANK YOU……..Gary
I liked yesterday’s submission of Weinie Wednesday….
Good question…..any answers out there?
Well said. Thank you & kudos to you, Jan…………..
I’m really liking your observations/comments about our political landscape. They are right on target.Thank you,Gary
Back in my much younger/broke/drinking days, I survived on only beer for a lot longer than just 3 days. Look at the ingredients… is actually pretty nutritious.
Is that what causes the idiotic statements by the Tiggers of the world? FOX news Kool-aid? I thought it was just ignorance.
I agree!!!
Pass the law where you can vote by mail…’s truly “the only way to go”…
We are still “evolutionizing” aren’t we? Gary