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Chicago based long-time Luann Fan. I find it a daily little respite during any day, good or bad, that I might encounter, and the interlocking, and long Luannverse time span is also very engrossing to me as well. It is a brilliant and intriguing comic. So I am a long-time Luann fan.

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Luann

    Yes, but while I respect your’s and other opinions, I don’t see that is what she is drawn for; this is friend sarcasm, not trying to bring Lu down. Following the story, and not hating on the characters might make that clearer, but to each their own opinion.

  2. 4 days ago on Luann

    Why is TJ deleting vigorously in pamel 4

  3. 5 days ago on Luann

    You know TJ has his haters too, can’t stand Brad’s BFF, just as haters can’t stand Bernice, Lu’s BFF. Jeez, friends can’t be sarcastic with each other? It might be perhaps those haters missed out on teasing or, heavens! Being a teen-ager, or young adult practically screams sarcasm, misplaced or not. It doesn’t mean discouragement, or some or some other evil motive, just friends razzing each other. Give the hate stuff a break, nah, you won’t.

  4. 8 days ago on Luann

    Oh, shoot, just had my 78th.

  5. 8 days ago on Luann

    She’s an image dude! So write her out the story? That would deskeletonize the strip. She is foundational.

  6. 8 days ago on Luann

    She is a young, somewhat unsure and uncertain, and at her comic age, as a corollary or real life, she is no more self-centered than the average, but a narcissist? Hardly.

  7. 8 days ago on Luann

    Thanks PD. It was real late or real early so I couldn’t think of your neat turn of phrase.

  8. 8 days ago on Luann

    Comic contricance* I’m not retyping my original comment.

  9. 8 days ago on Luann

    Two predictions for the pre-Christmas arc: there will be a blood drive at the Fuse (in the spirit of JFK announcing the Lunar program, we do good thing because they are hard) and Phil will ne an interest. No.matter how much nonsensical hatred for Bern in these comments (makes no sense, she’s a piece of comic fall for so much) a BFF has a pretty good clue as to at least one possible motivation for Lu.

  10. 9 days ago on Luann

    Her sarcasm is a plot device. Her likability is unfortunately tied to that device. People focus so much on do I like this character or not, not the story. She is not a fake friend, just a sarcastic one. Maybe G&K will draw her maturing, but it’s too juicy to cut out. Thanks for your comic service Bern.