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…the puppet version was a tad before my time, too…..dear old Mom told me about it when the cartoon version premiered……..
….now HOW can I add one more of something once I’ve run out of it for the day?……
,,,you SHOULD! Anita Ekberg is about as WooowoooWOOOWHEEEE!! as it gets here (1962)……
My, my….hearkens back to “Time For Beany” don’t it?……..
….it DOES compute. It DOES compute. AND it has to be completely supportive of “The Mission”.
…..boy oh boy, Ms.Information read THIS room well, did she not?……
……you’ve heard the one (VERY popular in the H.S. locker room) about wearing one on one’s head. Well, y’know, Burl here………
Ha! HA!! HA!!
(snicker snicker)
….probably “going incognito” while on a stakeout in some other comic strip?
…the puppet version was a tad before my time, too…..dear old Mom told me about it when the cartoon version premiered……..