Now you sit there and THINK about what you’ve done, little mister!
— every Mom ever!
You’ll need to hold up a sarcasm sign, Melody… or he won’t get it!
Yeesh! I think that’s how the Joker got started in all the Batman movies!
… oh yeah, well that’s ten minutes too long!
… that better be my food in that bag!
I don’t live near any bears, but the term “bear hug” probably came from someone that enjoyed hugging a bear.
I wonder if bears like to be petted!
— said the last Darwin Award winner.
That’s just too funny! I don’t have anything else to say about it!
Wait! I guess I could say sump’n like…
… naaah, that’s probably about sump’n else!
… aaaaaaand she gets abducted!
Cat’s got it covered!
… and then the hood pops up!
They replaced him with a new F-9 Attack Cat. You just toss the cat at the crook, the cat shreds him, then goes and takes a nap.
Now you sit there and THINK about what you’ve done, little mister!
— every Mom ever!