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  1. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Brad may have stood up for himself here…way to go! Now how to handle Toni…remember when she confronted Efiel that she had Brad’s interest in mind….Brad still needs to let her know that.

  2. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Either Brad figured her out and is looking for payback or he just jumped from the frying pan into the fire….now would be a good time for Toni to get involved and open Brads eyes to the mistake he is about to make….

  3. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Hey I think Brad has finally learned something….

  4. over 13 years ago on Luann

    OK Brad get over it…talk to Toni and see what she has to say before to much time passes and the chance to talk is gone?

  5. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Typical TJ passing the buck…..he needs to “Man-up” and tell Brad that it’s his fault and not to blame Toni!!!

  6. over 13 years ago on Luann

    Toni was just looking out for Brad…..Brad you just made a big mistake!