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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on JumpStart

    Whoa, Crunchy has eyeballs!

  2. 3 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    In my family we’ve called it the junk drawer since I was a little kid…my wife however, insists on calling it the ‘utility drawer’. I try to cooperate but usually fail miserably!

  3. 5 months ago on Shoe

    My wife falls asleep to Law & Order. Wakes me up everytime it goes ‘Duh Dum…’ which is a lot!

  4. 5 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The French are very much linguaphiles. I once taught computer classes in Paris, for an American company. I understand French ok, but my vocabulary is weak, so we had a translator. Unfortunately, the translator’s knowledge of computer terminology was very limited so I often had to interrupt to clarify some technical point, and the class would then have a extended discussion about what were the correct words! And then of course we all took a smoke break…(this was the 1980s)

  5. 6 months ago on Mannequin on the Moon

    Yes, I once used my mom’s sewing scissors to cut construction paper for a school project. Only once!

  6. 6 months ago on Crankshaft

    “Full truck” is rarely used, it just means a full page. “Double truck” means a two-page spread.

  7. 7 months ago on Matt Wuerker

    Cannon did this because she can. It just means that Jack Smith has to resubmit the case and hopefully next time he will get assigned a real judge who follows the law, and not a trump toady. The only effect is to delay any trial until after the elections. If trump wins, he’ll just pardon himself. If he loses, the case will eventually work it’s way back through the system. She is a crook and should be removed from the bench, but none of that matters at this point.

  8. 7 months ago on Joel Pett

    Don’t forget, Reagan told Iran the same thing – wait till Carter is out and you’ll get a better hostage deal from me.

  9. 8 months ago on Scott Stantis

    Oh boy, another troll!

  10. 9 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    ‘…trucks downshiffting on the highway…’ snort