The first time I read this I had to put the book down and walk away for a while. This is absolutely perfect. It breaks my heart every time. Anyone who has ever loved a dog knows this feeling. Thank you for having the courage to draw it and share it with us.
Okay, this strip is my all time favorite. You’ve dethroned all others. This mom is epic. And PLEASE do another book, people expect these for Christmas now … great work, please keep it up!
I don’t comment much here, but I’d like to say that I enjoy your strip on a very high level. (Swan Eaters, too.) I don’t know if you hear enough how much we appreciate you. I have been a huge fan of comics since I was very young. They always seemed to reflect the best of life, people and society; a kind of mirror of who we are. I have always had favorites that stood head and shoulders above the rest – Calvin and Hobbes, Fox Trot, Cul de Sac, Peanuts, Sheldon, Stone Soup, Mutts, Wallace the Brave. So many others. Yours is right there beside these great strips. I love yours not only because it’s a pet strip (I have five cats as well, 8 to 19 years old) and well written, but visually beautiful. Your art is unique, and inspired. The above strip is one that captures all the qualities I so admire – story, dialogue, art, wistful gentle relationships we should all aspire to. You’ve managed to capture great common humor and tie to the common experience of anyone who has ever had a lifetime of love from a cat. I buy all your books for myself and give them as gifts to several friends for Christmas. There is nothing nicer than to read them on snowy Sundays in front of the fire – it refreshes my soul. I am so glad that you have found success at this art form. Continue these strips, I will always be right here to read them, and appreciate them. That little breath of life every day has been a godsend through these last trying years. I have prayed for the continued blessings, protection, inspiration, creation, and happiness of you and your family, as well as your furry companions. Thank you for this contribution to the world. Life should be what you’ve reflected in your strips. What a wonderful world it would be,
So why is it okay to terminate unborn children as a choice about one’s own body, but I have to wear a mask and not be near other people? Can’t have both.
I actually doubt there will be a debate. Biden called a lid again today, and yesterday he was wheezing like a rhino when he spoke. I would wager we are going to get an announcement he has covid. I could be wrong, they could be trying to change his peak cognitive hours to the debate time. He might have sundowners. My Opa had that. Horrible thing. Makes you really confused, scared and sometimes mean. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
I was accused of drinking kool aid. How is THAT not insulting? I am a very intelligent person, a university educated teacher, who arrived at my position through research of available facts. I am trained to analyze data. I stated them as such, and was attacked with … feelings and opinions. Again, deflection. Projection. There is a huge difference between fact and opinion. It IS illogical to draw the conclusion that Trump is a nazi sympathizer because he got a peace prize nomination and Hitler did too. You cannot deny that. I didn’t call YOU illogical, but the midevilmommy person doing the arguing.
The strip and it’s characters began in October of 1950. Patty appeared in 1966, putting her birth likely around 1955. It WAS more common then, around 1 in 1000. In 2019 it was around .174 per 1,000. I was exploring the possibilities with everyone else. Sheesh. Never mind.
YES! YESYESYESYES!!! Please do a book of these! I am so excited!