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  1. about 13 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    Paying taxes is not “taking away from someone else because they are too lazy to take care of themselves”. We will not have a society without government and government will not exist without revenue (taxes). If you want to see what a society without government looks like, take a look at Somalia. In the meantime, it is perfectly legitimate to have a discussion about what government should do, and how it should be funded. I believe support of the government should be a shared sacrifice. If one person’s share of the tax burden means he will have to choose between paying his rent or keeping his electricity turned on. and another person’s share means he can only afford five weeks in Europe instead of six this year, the sacrifice is not shared. The share of taxes being paid by the top 1% has been declining while the share paid by the poor and middle class has been rising, and that is not fair.