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sandpiper Free

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  1. about 2 hours ago on Frazz

    The 1997 coincidence of a successful prostatectomy in Feb, the end of my 25th year of teaching, and my 67th birthday convinced me to retire. For the last few weeks, colleagues told me ‘Stop smiling!!’ I didn’t stop until June 7th.

    We moved 75 miles away and began a new phase. The next August and the opening of school brought not even a twinge of regret. Then I knew I had definitely retired.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Again, my concern is what digital damage and subversion is being done by Fluffy’s army of unvetted ‘volunteers’ who are mining the social security files for easy prey. No experience in government regs, no background checks, no oversight. Scary.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Wizard of Id Classics

    He showed up on the wrong day. That’s any day when Fink is due to speak.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    Don’t worry. Buttercup and Fluffy will take care of you. With their puppets rooting around in your SS file and your private life, you will no longer have to worry about your 401k. Groceries? Yes. Health care? Yes. Home ownership? Yes. But not your 401k.

  5. about 3 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Good for them. That means there will be something to look forward later on.

  6. about 3 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Hope you passed that to a nature organization. Those are rare birds.

  7. about 3 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Hope you passed that to a nature organization. That bird was ruled extinct years ago.

  8. about 3 hours ago on Herman

    They are ticketed on a freighter and he’s got a poker game lined up for tonight.

  9. about 3 hours ago on Herman

    Also a weight limit sticker?

  10. about 3 hours ago on The Grizzwells

    I think P’s chances are getting ‘a bit’ slimmer.