Gee, the TEACHER gets the point. Glad one commenter did. Creativity and curiosity are far too often stifled in following some “rules”, but Caulfied gets it. Actually, I think Mrs Olsen gets it too. Jef Mallet is brilliant, just brilliant.
I actually thought Lisa had NOT joined the cult. Tell me who is slow walking all the other cases? The Republican trump courts including a special kangaroo law just enacted in Georgia to stop that case. THOSE are facts, not politics, as we watch Hunter Biden being persecuted for something that is NEVER prosecuted and is costing taxpayers millions for something that hurt no one. And who is trying to hunt down the entire Biden Family?
The ONLY words in the Constitution about religion are about protecting all of us from a state sponsored religion. Your buddy ignores that completely and is busy forcing his beliefs on the rest of us. And throwing his wife under the proverbial bus while at it. He lied to get confirmed, he lied about leaking his draft decision, he lies all the time to force his version of god on the rest of us. And THOSE are the facts.
Sure and trump never lies