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Please make the signs easier to read…I needed a magnifier glass
Es casi imposible leer las burbujas de pensamiento en su nuevo formato. ¡Por favor reconsidere las opciones!
The new format makes it very difficult to read the text in the thought bubble…
Thank you very, very much for the joy, laughter, insights, and chuckles !!! You da boss !!!
‘the amount of water on Earth never varies’ – close; but it depends on one’s definition of “never”
Mystics are usually portrayed seated – is that due to lack of ability, lack of desire, a fat a$$, or just cause they are not into doing anything that requires physical activity?
…or how about a series exploring the dweebness of “social media”
Eddie should give fishing – sailing advice to an obnoxious 1%’er
Please make the signs easier to read…I needed a magnifier glass