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  1. 3 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    Which may be why she and Patty faded into the background of Peanuts characters — too few redeeming qualities, too few opportunities for jokes. Lucy was a fussbudget, a bully to her brother, a trickster with a football, and an annoyance to Schroeder, but she was a source of many varied jokes.

    Violet and Patty had less nuance to exploit and explore.

  2. 8 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    Patty is the original mean girl.

  3. 14 days ago on Peanuts

    In your dreams, troll. Trolls are so needy, claiming wins out of thin air. Go away, little boy. I’m ignoring you as well your little troll sockpuppet from here on out.

  4. 15 days ago on Peanuts

    Man, we are just swimming in sea lions here. You sound suspiciously like Mediatech — are you tag-teaming, or are you both just sockpuppets?

    I was referring to American and Brit CULTURE, not languages (as they are but two variations of thee same language), but you already knew that, and are just trolling. I do not owe an apology (nor does anyone else here) for what some troll claims to PERCEIVE as an insult when they shout their faux rage about it. You should get a job on Fox “News”.

    So, if we all refuse to apologize and stop hurting your fee-fees, you’ll go away and refuse to keep trolling? I could live with that.

    As I said to you in your Mediatech ID, this is all the bandwidth I will waste on you. Feel free to respond (as you seem unable to stop), but you are nothing but a common troll, and I will ignore whatever either of you (or any of your succeeding IDs) have to say.

    Have a nice day. Otherwise, in an acronym familiar to many old usenet members, ESAD, troll.

  5. 15 days ago on Peanuts

    Never. Like Donnie 45, she believes she won.

  6. 16 days ago on Peanuts

    No, spelling things DIFFERENTLY is the sign of similar but different cultures. Framing matters in the way you are here is simply the sign of a contrarian who enjoys arguing for the sake of stirring shite up. We all know that you are fully aware of the differences in American and Brit spelling conventions, that they are standard and completely accepted and are pretending ignorance in order to feign superiority.

    Answer if you wish to continue to troll. I am done with the subject.

  7. 19 days ago on Peanuts

    That depends upon which country in which you live, whether it is “aluminium” (Brit) or “aluminum” (American), whether it is “neighbour” or “neighbor”.

  8. about 1 month ago on Peanuts Begins

    To me, this is the first indication that Snoopy is really Charlie Brown’s dog. Or that Charlie Brown is Snoopy’s person.

  9. about 1 month ago on Peanuts Begins

    One of my favorite Schroeder strips was when he was playing a complicated piece with a large number of sharps and flats, and someone asked him how he could do that with a toy piano whose black keys were merely painted on; his reply was “I practice a lot.”

  10. about 1 month ago on Peanuts Begins

    I was going to say “because they were out of bacon?”

    “Everywhere there’s lots of piggies“Living piggie lives“You can see them out for dinner“With their piggie wives“Clutching forks and knives“To eat their bacon”—George Harrison, “Piggies”