Officially, it was Lower Slobbovia. Alternately, it was on occasion called Outer, Inner, Central, Upper or Lowest Slobbovia. Capp conceived it as an iceberg that periodically would invert, and Lower Slobbovia would become Upper Slobbovia, and vice versa.
It is boring for the reader. It is two people sitting and talking, with actually few real jokes. Most of the Luann strips involve more character action.
I fear that this is never going to end. G&K are going to run with this “rivalry” forever. I wish they would resolve it, or at least get to a more interesting (and less irritating) story arc. Bring back Jack and Nil, for pity’s sake, please.
Nearly everyone has had a negative reaction to the Stef character since her first appearance, and it is not improving. It is not doing anything for the strip except filling space.
There is a famous blooper from “The Adventures of Superman”, in which George Reeves stands stoically while bullets bounce off his chest, and then reflexively ducks when the (probably rubber) gun is thrown at his head.
The little light flashes on his chest are special effects, but an object thrown at someone’s head would cause any normal person to flinch. Apparently, they never noticed it (or thought the kiddies would not), and left it in.
No, she is most definitely NOT a good villain, she is a ditzy annoyance. I found the character of Knute to be annoying (never any potential but being class clown), but not odious as this one. Stef shows no redeeming qualities, but she’s not dangerous.
Back in the late 1960s, my church had a paper drive every other Saturday, and I was one of the regular workers for about three years. I would on occasion find LIFE and LOOK Magazines that I would reserve for myself (we would pick up a half-ton of newspapers and magazines, so I justified holding back a few ounces). Occasionally, there would be a few good comics, and every once in a great while, a girlie magazine (it was the ’60s; mags of that stripe rarely showed more, or even as much, as bare behinds and an occasional hint of bare breast).
Yes, other than the fact that I was working in a variable group in a VW minibus, Charlie Brown and Shermie were describing my experiences.
Checking if anyone’s paying attention?